protecting yourself from public computers

any reason for using a public computer such in cyber cafe, library, computer lab can expose your personal data, with the threat of spyware and keyloger using a computer can harm the public. there are some tips to protect personal data and minimize these risks, among others:

  1. do not store the files on the public computer
  2. do not store the password. Most web browsers can remember what the user typed into the browser in several locations. include the address bar, the form fields, username and password. to protect open in the IE tools, Internet options, content. on the auto complete, click the button settings and make sure that prompt me to save Passwords are not in the checklist.
  3. delete browsing history, select tools in IE, delete browsing history, in Mozilla Firefox, open tools, options, and click the Privacy tab marked checklist, always clear my private data when I close firefox
  4. do not doing online banking
  5. do not enter credit card data
  6. delete temporary files
  7. clear the pagefile. on the windows vista and XP, Click Control Panel, double-click administrative tools, double-click the local security policy. next, Click security options on the right panel and find shutdown: clear virtual memory pagefile. double-click that item and enable it makesure.
  8. Rebooting
  9. boot from another device
  10. look around and use feelings. Do not open important document, look the foreigners around you.
any suggestion?

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    masalah komputer.... serahkan saja pada espe ahlinya
